I just watched a wonderful movie again last night by this title with Denzel Washington. It will mess with your brain and your perception of reality. The first time I saw it it wasn’t clear what was going on. The next time I saw it, I got it.

Have you ever felt like you’ve ‘been there, done that’? I certainly have. Some call it flash back, and some think it’s premonition or flash forward. Personally I believe our minds and our brains have such amazing power.

We can perceive things that are wildly unexplainable can’t we? There is the practical side of life we live in every day and night. I have had deja vu many many times over the years. Memories are sometimes like that when they come out of nowhere.

Other times it can seem very random. In this movie, Denzel actually travels back to the past to change the situation and saves hundreds of lives. I won’t spoil the end but it will definitely get you thinking.

It’s a good thing to let your mind and imagination go places without logic. I happen to believe in the quantum field and quantum physics. Who’s to say the past can’t be changed? I won’t say that. I cannot prove it either.

Perhaps we can only change the past in our perception of it and that is where I’d like you to consider how you can view your past from a new perspective. Bad things happen to all of us. We can be our own worst enemy or be the victim of someone else’s bad choices.

Taking a wrong turn in the road can lead you to beautiful destinations in your life. I am learning to look at my life differently and with no regrets. I could have made decisions that would have ended potentially in a more positive light. Couldn’t we all?

When you experience deja vu, be thankful. It could be a change of direction or a change of viewpoint. It could also change your life for the better. It’s a French phrase that means ‘already seen’. I have some beautiful original oil and water color paintings from a older friend in Texas. She gave them to me when I was married to her son in 1994. They are of the Oregon coast and in 2010 I had the privilege of going there and seeing it. I would have never dreamed I would be where I am now.

Maybe it was divine guidance to have ‘seen’ it on my wall and be taken there 16 years later. I am thankful life took an unplanned turn. I’m sure there will be more.

I do encourage you to visualize your hearts desires and let your heart lead you. Be open as you imagine your life. Dream……

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